Oregon judges and their lawyer staff, 50-year OSB members, and Active Pro Bono OSB members—please call the OSB CLE Service Center at (503) 431-6413 or toll-free at (800) 452-8260, ext. 413, to register.
AI is here for lawyers, and ChatGPT is leading the way. Since the landscape is constantly changing, lawyers need guidance to help understand current technologies and navigate future AI platforms. Join Stuart Teicher, Esq., the “CLE Performer,” as he explains how the legal ethics rules apply to generative AI and the concerns with other forms of current technology. In addition to providing a framework to use in evaluating technologies that don’t yet exist, Stuart will also:
• Teach about the generative AI software itself—ChatGPT is a Large Language Model—and what that means for lawyers (Oregon Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.1, Competence)
• Reveal legal ethics hotspots like confidentiality, safeguarding client property, and supervision
• Explore problems with the “reasonable expectation of privacy” standard
• Examine deep fakes and look ahead to the ethics issues (ORPC Rules 2.1 and 3.3)
• Delve into the legal ethics issues with the metaverse (ORPC Rule 8.4)
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